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Pointing Dogs, Volume Two: The British and Irish Breeds


Through words and images, we are on a mission to share our passion for pointing dogs, upland hunting and sporting dog photography.  

When we are not carrying a shotgun or Canon, we are putting pen to paper. Our articles have appeared in Versatile Hunting Dog Magazine,  Gundog Magazine, The Pointing Dog Journal, Weimaraner Nachtrichten, The Griffonnier, Caccia Beccacia, Chasse Bécasse Passion, Chiens de Chasse, Trofeo Caza and many more. 

The first edition of our book Pointing Dogs Volume One: The Continentals is almost sold out. We are currently working on Pointing Dogs Volume Two: The British and Irish Breeds. It is scheduled for release in 2018. 

Pointing Dogs, Volume Two: The British and Irish Breeds

Volume Two Front Cover.png
Volume Two Front Cover.png

Pointing Dogs, Volume Two: The British and Irish Breeds


Click here for a look inside.

Picking up where Volume One left off, this book continues the exploration of pointing dog breeds from a hunter’s perspective. Yet where Volume One serves as a reference book of dozens of breeds, Volume Two reflects a much deeper dive into the storied history and evolution of some of the most influential of all the bird dog breeds: setters and pointers.

Author and photographer Craig Koshyk remained relentless in his pursuit of firsthand accounts of hunting, trialing, training, and raising these dogs. He translated historical texts and spoke with experts from around the world to gain a unique insight into the role that setters and pointers play in the pointing dog landscape. More than a decade’s worth of research has been compiled into this first-of-its-kind tome that will serve as a cornerstone of any sporting dog library.

This book travels well beyond the British Isles and provides a fascinating comparison of how these dogs are hunted and trialed in America, continental Europe, and beyond. Koshyk’s work transcends time as he explores the unique history of each breed, the current situation at home and abroad, and an honest but hopeful take on the future that lies ahead. Modern dog breeds are the product of people who remain tirelessly dedicated to them, and this book honors those who have worked to revive, restore, and improve each of these breeds for generations of hunters to come.

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NOTE: All prices are in US dollars

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From the Foreword by William (Sandy) Gunn

If an acquaintance of mine were to text, message, or e-mail me with the news that there was to be a new book available on the ‘specialist’ pointing breeds, namely the English Setter, the Gordon Setter, the Irish Setter, the Irish Red and White Setter, and the Pointer, I might be tempted to ask “Why?”

If he or she were to go on with the information that it was to be a definitive text, well-documented with references historical and modern, and containing ample facts and opinions of recognized authorities on each breed, I would be tempted, but not yet sold on its necessity for an octogenarian with more than half a century of hands-on experience with all five breeds.

If the messenger were then to inform me that it was, in fact, to be essentially a “Part Two” of a tome I have, for more than a decade, unreservedly recommended to friends interested in the versatile pointing breeds, old-timers like myself and novices to the worlds of judging, my elation would be both evident and righteous. It is a book for those involved in upland bird hunting and performance afield and interested in the conformation of each breed that defines its proclivities and behavior in the field.

With all of this information on by board, I would have surmised that the author could only be a like-minded hunter, and one whose exhaustive curiosity, and not inconsiderable investigative abilities, had resulted in the authoritative Part One. It could only be my fellow Canadian, Craig Koshyk, an author whose words of wisdom are eloquent and profound, and always based on his own in-person observations. His words are supported by world-class photography, his own and that of others who specialize in the subject of working Pointers and setters of exceptional ability.

Do yourself a worthwhile service and gift yourself, a loved one, or perhaps an old or new friend, with a copy of this much anticipated “Part Two.” Everlasting gratitude is bound to result!

—William D. Sandy Gunn

About Sandy: A hunter and pointing dog owner and admirer for almost 65 years, he worked his way up to All Breed Conformation Judging status. In addition he has, for the last 30 years or so, been a field trial judge of all the pointing breeds in many venues and 12 countries. He has judged National Specialties of all four setters and Pointers. He was, for some 50 years, a successful breeder of Pointers, and before that bred a litter of dual-purpose Gordons. In the 1970s, he was the Canadian board member of the Gordon Setter Club of America and was President of the Pointer Club of Canada for many years.